
How To Find The Charge Of An Element

Element Charges Chart
Atoms of the elements display a range of charges, only yous can predict the most common charge of most elements using its element group.

Hither is a chart of element charges and an caption of how to find the charge of an element if you lot don't know it. The difference betwixt charge, oxidation state, and valence is explained, too. You can download and print these graphics and tables for references.

How to Find the Accuse of an Chemical element

At that place are four ways to find the charge of an chemical element:

  1. Use the periodic table. The usual charge of an chemical element is common to its grouping.
    Grouping one (Alkali Metals): one+
    Group 2 (Alkali metal Earth Metals): ii+
    Groups 3-12 (Transition Metals): Variable positive charges
    Lanthanide and Actinide Series: Variable positive charges
    Group 13: iii+
    Group 14: 4+ or 4-
    Grouping 15: iii-
    Group sixteen: 2-
    Group 17 (Halogens): 1-
    Group 18 (Noble Gases): 0
  2. Employ a chart. Charts come up from empirical data on the existent beliefs of elements, which may differ somewhere from the periodic table predictions. Here are two charts. The first shows mutual element charges, while the second shows all the element charges for the start 45 elements (virtually common charges in bold).
  3. For a unmarried atom, the charge is the number of protons minus the number of electrons.
  4. Find the charge by balancing charge in a compound.
Number Element Accuse
1 hydrogen 1+
two helium 0
3 lithium one+
4 glucinium 2+
5 boron 3-, 3+
half-dozen carbon 4+
7 nitrogen three-
viii oxygen 2-
9 fluorine ane-
ten neon 0
11 sodium one+
12 magnesium 2+
13 aluminum 3+
14 silicon four+, 4-
15 phosphorus 5+, 3+, 3-
xvi sulfur two-, 2+, 4+, vi+
17 chlorine 1-
18 argon 0
19 potassium 1+
20 calcium 2+
21 scandium 3+
22 titanium 4+, iii+
23 vanadium ii+, 3+, iv+, 5+
24 chromium 2+, three+, 6+
25 manganese 2+, 4+, 7+
26 iron two+, 3+
27 cobalt two+, 3+
28 nickel ii+
29 copper 1+, ii+
30 zinc two+
31 gallium 3+
32 germanium 4-, ii+, iv+
33 arsenic 3-, iii+, 5+
34 selenium ii-, iv+, 6+
35 bromine ane-, 1+, v+
36 krypton 0
37 rubidium i+
38 strontium 2+
39 yttrium 3+
40 zirconium 4+
41 niobium 3+, five+
42 molybdenum 3+, 6+
43 technetium 6+
44 ruthenium three+, four+, 8+
45 rhodium 4+
46 palladium 2+, 4+
47 silver 1+
48 cadmium ii+
49 indium 3+
l tin can 2+, 4+
51 antimony three-, 3+, five+
52 tellurium 2-, four+, 6+
53 iodine 1-
54 xenon 0
55 cesium 1+
56 barium ii+
57 lanthanum three+
58 cerium 3+, 4+
59 praseodymium 3+
60 neodymium iii+, 4+
61 promethium 3+
62 samarium iii+
63 europium 3+
64 gadolinium 3+
65 terbium three+, four+
66 dysprosium 3+
67 holmium three+
68 erbium iii+
69 thulium 3+
70 ytterbium 3+
71 lutetium 3+
72 hafnium 4+
73 tantalum v+
74 tungsten 6+
75 rhenium 2+, 4+, 6+, 7+
76 osmium iii+, four+, half-dozen+, 8+
77 iridium 3+, 4+, 6+
78 platinum 2+, 4+, six+
79 gilt 1+, ii+, iii+
fourscore mercury 1+, ii+
81 thallium 1+, 3+
82 pb 2+, iv+
83 bismuth 3+
84 polonium two+, 4+
85 astatine ?
86 radon 0
87 francium ?
88 radium 2+
89 actinium 3+
ninety thorium 4+
91 protactinium 5+
92 uranium 3+, 4+, half-dozen+
Table of common element charges
Element Valences 1-45
All element valence charges for hydrogen through rhodium.
Assigning Oxidation Numbers

Charge, Valence, and Oxidation Land

In many texts, the terms charge (or formal charge), valence, and oxidation number are used interchangeably. These iii terms are related, but take slightly unlike definitions:

  • Charge (Formal Charge): Charge is the electrical charge of an atom when all of its ligands are removed homolytically. In homolytic cleavage, electrons sharing a bond are split equally between the two atoms.
  • Oxidation Country (Oxidation Number): Oxidation country is the accuse on an atom when all of its ligands are removed heterolytically. In this instance, the more electronegative atom gets the electrons.
  • Valence: Valence is the number of electrons used by an cantlet to course a chemical bond.

Confused? Usually, what yous want to know is the oxidation state, which carries both a number and a positive or negative sign. For example, in HCl, both H and Cl have a valence of ane. Ane electron from each cantlet participates in chemic bond formation. Simply, hydrogen has an oxidation state of +1, while chloride has an oxidation state of -i. From the oxidation state, you know the charge (or vice versa). Nosotros write the charges of the atoms as H+ and Cl.


  • Karen, P.; McArdle, P.; Takats, J. (2016). "Comprehensive definition of oxidation country (IUPAC Recommendations 2016)".Pure Appl. Chem.88 (viii): 831–839. doi:x.1515/pac-2015-1204
  • Parkin, Gerard (May 2006). "Valence, Oxidation Number, and Formal Charge: Three Related simply Fundamentally Different Concepts".Periodical of Chemical Instruction.83 (5): 791. doi:10.1021/ed083p791


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